Saturday, May 29, 2010

Why Join Groups on (and Other Linkedin Help & Tips)?

As you know, Linkedin is a social network that operates under the premise of degrees of separation. The more contacts you have, the closer you will be to connections you may be interested in making. Once you link in with others, be sure to utilize the "Find People" or "Find Companies" feature on the top (using the "Advanced" search functions, so that you can get introduced to others). Also, just a tip: The more groups you join, the more access you will have to people (without using the "inMail" feature! It's a great way to expand your network! (Once you do a people or company search, you can mouse over the options to the right of each common group member's name, and write to them directly. In addition, the length of such messages is more liberal than inMails!

For more tips on how to maximize Linkedin, either click on the "About" in the bottom navifgation links, and then click on the "Learning Center" on the right-hand margin of the page.

3 Digital Marketing Job Sites: Courtesy of Todd Herschberg

SEO/SEM positions - Searchable job listings for the group As there seem to be a significant number of group members who are seeking new jobs as a result of the economy, and Todd Herschberg has set up a job listing board. Todd is the 37th most connected person on LinkedIn Twitter: @Herschberg -

You can find the board here:

Hope this helps!

Marissa Marsala
Founder, Employer & Candidate Connection (Job Seeker Consultancy and Search Firm)
Founder/Manager, Employer & Candidate Connection Linkedin Pro Bono Group