Monday, November 15, 2010

What Information Should You Include in An Exploratory Letter of Interest to an Employer?

A few weeks ago, a job seeker asked me the following, and below is my response.

(From LL)
“I have been given names of a few companies that I am interested in exploring. At the moment I do not have any contacts that can walk me in the door, however, I would like to send out exploratory letters. Would you briefly give me an overview of what should be said in this type of letter. Once I have a general gist, I will be able to create something in my own words.”

(My response)
Start your letter with a genuine statement of interest in the company to which you are writing. An example of what you might say is, "I am a job seeker in transition, and have been researching employers that I would like to work for, and COMPANY NAME is a company in which I have a strong interest." If someone referred you to a specific contact, be sure to mention that in the first sentence, ideally. If you don't know the name of the head of the department, try calling the receptionist (if there is one) and indicate that you need to direct something to the head of (MENTION DEPT.), and would like that person's name and title. If you cannot get a contact name, simply address your letter to "Director of ENTER DEPT. NAME"). Just remember, if you hear back from the company and are asked why you were specifically interested in working for them, be clear and prepared to share what attracted you to them. An exploratory letter should contain a list of the best skills and experience you have to offer. Ideally it should comprise the type of background employers seek most today. If you're not sure what skills and experience that you possess are the most marketable/in demand, simply pull three to five job postings and circle or highlight the words that represent skills and work style attributes (e.g., organized, team player, detail-oriented). You will begin to see common skills/attributes when you do this. It should also provide a summary paragraph of who you are professionally in terms of a general title, number of years of experience, possibly industries or companies you've worked for, etc. It's a snapshot to "frame" your background. Many job seekers reword the summaries on their resumes and use that as the frame. It all works!

You should also provide a paragraph with "warm and fuzzy" personality and work style attributes. For example: "I am detail-oriented, analytical, excel at problem-solving, and possess solid interpersonal and team-building skills. In addition, I am highly organized and have built a reputation for possessing a strong work ethic and "do what it takes" mentality. My references will confirm that I readily and willingly take on new challenges and within relatively short periods, rise to meet and exceed stated expectations.

Also, it's best to close the letter by stating that you plan to follow up within a week at which time you hope to arrange a mutually-convenient time in which to discuss how your experience can benefit COMPANY NAME. If you do this, be sure to follow up within a week! Create a simple log spreadsheet to keep track of who you said you would follow up with, the date of follow up and the outcome and any next steps. If any one needs a sample log that's ready to go, please comment and provide your email address.

Cover Letters that Intrigue/Compel Hiring Managers to Call You – EVEN Against the Odds

One outgrowth of today’s tough job market is that job seekers are rethinking their careers and more than ever before, are open to changing careers, pursuing careers they’ve only dreamt of, retiring early and doing part-time work, or taking positions that are lower level/lower paying than ones they’ve held in the past. In terms of taking lower level/paying positions, those who are able to do this may have different reasons for doing so. For some, it is out of necessity; they need income immediately and are willing to take less pay. Others are seeking less responsible jobs in exchange for a better quality of life.

The question is, “How do you get the attention of hiring managers and get them to seriously consider you when you are overqualified and/or are accustomed to a higher level of pay?” Part of the answer may lie in trading places with the hiring manager, and considering what it would take to convince YOU that the job seeker was serious about taking a lesser role. Also key is your ability to write a compelling, logically laid-out letter that comes across as sincere/genuine and matter-of-fact.

Today’s hiring managers have less time than ever before to make critical hiring decisions. The last thing they want is to hire someone who is highly skilled for less pay (which, on the surface may seem like a positive achievement for them in terms of their negotiating “prowess”), and risk that the new hire will be “jumping ship” as soon as a more suitable and/or higher paying job comes along. YOUR job, therefore, is to influence them to consider you, despite their concerns that you are only interested in the job until something better comes along, and instead, to ameliorate their concerns. Here are some ideas you might incorporate in your letter.

Dear (hiring manager name, if known; otherwise, “To Whom it May Concern”):


I am a(n) INDUSTRY OR JOB CATEGORY TYPE (e.g., ACCOUNTING) professional with over XX years of (SPECIFY EXPERIENCE TYPE IF YOU WISH AND SEPARATE WITH COMMAS, IF APPROPRIATE) experience in a variety of companies. Given my depth and breadth of skills and strong work ethic, I have a great deal to offer the right employer. After researching your company, I genuinely believe my background is well suited to your needs and can be of immediate value.

Outlined below is the background that I believe is most relevant to your needs:
* (List 4-8 bullets that tie to the opportunity, using their keywords to demonstrate the match)

Although you will note that I have held somewhat more accountable roles in the past, at this juncture in my career, I am more focused on work life balance and quality of life. I therefore am purposefully identifying opportunities that will address my needs while allowing me to optimally contribute to my employer’s business objectives in a very meaningful way.
NOTE: IF YOU RECENTLY RELOCATED, YOU CAN USE THAT AS A NATURAL TRANSITION AND WEAVE IT INTO THE ABOVE: I recently relocated to the area, and after reflecting on what is most important to me and factoring in the unique skills and abilities that I bring to bear, ... (etc.)

I am detail-oriented, analytical, excel at problem-solving, and possess solid interpersonal and team-building skills. In addition, I am highly organized and have built a reputation for possessing a strong work ethic and "do what it takes" mentality. My references will confirm that I readily and willingly take on new challenges and within relatively short periods, rise to meet and exceed stated expectations.

I will follow up within a week at which time I hope to arrange a mutually-convenient time in which to discuss how my experience can benefit COMPANY NAME. In the interim, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at XXX-XXX-XXXX or by email at EMAIL ADDRESS.

(Please refer to my related post on cover letters for additional insight about what content to include.)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Seven Ways to Improve Your Chances of Landing the Job

There are a number of things you can do to set yourself apart from others, and increase your changes of getting the job.

1) Prepare yourself for the interview.
a) Research the employer's website and familiarize yourself with their products and services. Also read their recent press releases/new updates. If possible, review their financial reports (or ask others for help) to interpret the financial health of the company. Whenever appropriate, weave into the interview questions that relate to the research you did. This will demonstrate genuine interest as well as make a positive impression on the interviewer that you've done your homework. All things being equal, it just may be what sets you apart and lands you the job.
b) If the company does not have a website or information is limited, do a search in your favorite browser for "Company name goes here" and "SIC code." An SIC code will give information about this company within their industry classification, and sometimes will address who their competitors are and/or will connect you to other info.
c) Use the Library's subscription to "ReferenceUSA," an online database of corporations in the US.

2. Bring visual aids!!! Most of us process and remember information that is presented visually. It is always best to show and tell about yourself for the following reasons:
a) You clearly come across as prepared and professional.
b) You can tell stories about your visual aids that demonstrate your unique work or management style.
c) If you tend to be nervous, having something to point to and focus attention away from you and on to something that the interviewer can evaluate may reduce your anxiety.
d) Bringing in something visual provides two inputs of information (seeing and hearing about your skills) making the interviewer more likely to remember your unique skills. If the interviewer actually asks to see something, that's a tactile input. Touching something that you've done further reinforces the likelihood that they will remember your strengths more clearly.
e) When it comes time for the interviewer to evaluate your skills against other prospects, they will KNOW that you're capable of doing the job because you've shown them proof that you've already done the job elsewhere. This is very powerful! It can also dramatically shorten the reference-checking process as the interviewer will have seen first-hand the quality for your work.

Note: Be sure to block/black out any proprietary information on writing samples or other reports being shown to preserve the confidentiality of info from former employers.

3) Ask thoughtful questions. In addition to the questions you might come up with as a result of 1. above, ask relevant questions about the company and/or departments most important goals for the next year and what challenges they are facing in meeting these goals. Tie them to what skills you bring to the table to help them meet those challenges.

4) Ask if there are any questions that you can answer relative to your skills that have not been addressed, but are important requirements of the job. I usually ask, “Given the requirements of the job, how do you see my background and experience stacking up?” Admittedly, it’s a bit bold, but often, you may learn that there is a perception that you’re missing something that can easily be addressed on the spot, better positioning you to get the job.

5) Ask what the timeframe is and what the next steps are in their process. This may give you a sense of how strong you may be at that point in time.

6) Always reiterate your sincere interest and excitement about the opportunity, and recap the strengths that you believe you offer for the position, and be sure to indicate that you look forward to hearing from them about your candidacy.

7) Follow up with a thoughtful thank you message by email or a handwritten note reiterating your strengths relative to what they viewed as the most important aspects of the job.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

AARP Best Employers for Workers Over 50

Note: (They also have a list for the best Healthcare Employers for those over 50)

AARP Best Employers for Workers Over 50

2009 Winners from: AARP September 2009

1. Cornell University
2. First Horizon National Corporation
3. National Institutes of Health
4. The YMCA of Greater Rochester
5. National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
6. S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
7. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
8. Stanley Consultants
9. Brevard Public Schools
10. George Mason University
11. City of Glendale, Arizona
12. Securian Financial Group
13. Deptartment of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration
14. Nevada Federal Credit Union
15. Pinnacol Assurance
16. Oklahoma City University
17. Intuitive Research and Technology Corporation
18. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina
19. DentaQuest
20. Adecco Group North America
21. Manheim
22. Commonwealth of Massachusetts - Executive Branch
23. Lee County Electric Cooperative
24. Virginia Commonwealth University
25. GlaxoSmithKline
26. The Aerospace Corporation
28. Harvard University
29. Pepco Holdings, Inc.
30. F.E.G.S. Health and Human Services System
31. San Antonio Lighthouse for the Blind
32. Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey
33. University of Pittsburgh
34. Solix Inc.
35. Avis Budget Car Rental, LLC
36. S&T Bank
37. Michelin North America
38. Pearson
39. Corinthian Colleges,Inc.
40. FCCI Insurance Group
41. Hanson Professional Services Inc.
42. Union Bank
43. MEI Technologies, Inc.
44. Intel Corporation
46. Winston-Salem Industries for the Blind, Inc.
47. Georgia Department of Human Resources
48. Express Employment Professional
49. Prestige Services, Inc
50. University of St. Thomas

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What advice would you offer on breaking into the Medical Device Field ... particularly, a sales job?

I get this question at least once every few weeks. Here's my take: If the job seeker is not on Linkedin, s/he should join immediately if not sooner! The second action item I'd suggest is to join relevant "medical devices" and "healthcare" or "health care" groups on Linked in. Many groups have job boards where jobs appear there and no where else. Also, for those in sales, you need to proactively put yourself out there and sell yourself. I realize there's a thin line between promoting oneself and being too aggressive, but someone with good sales skills will find that balance. Selling yourself in this market is likely one of the hardest sales you'll make, but there are jobs out there, and someone has to get them. Why not you?! As for the medical devices field, while I do not want to discourage anyone, I think job seekers should be realistic and remain flexible. It's a bit easier in this market to get an entry level job, but the seasoned ones are going to those with experience, and the market is flooded with qualified and over qualified folks. The timing is not right to break into this field unless it's an entry-level spot. The timing may be better in a year or so. There are a number of companies that have training programs, and that likely will be your best bet other than networking and getting someone to refer you internally. I cannot recall specifically, but there are a few well-publicized websites that you can subscribe to. You can, of course, do a Google search. There's a dedicated industry site: and another is that often lists companies that have training programs in addition to ore seasoned jobs (job seekers can subscribe to this website alert). Check the separate post here on the best Medical Devices/Life Sciences URLs. There are some great links there. Hope this helps. What do others think?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Why Join Groups on (and Other Linkedin Help & Tips)?

As you know, Linkedin is a social network that operates under the premise of degrees of separation. The more contacts you have, the closer you will be to connections you may be interested in making. Once you link in with others, be sure to utilize the "Find People" or "Find Companies" feature on the top (using the "Advanced" search functions, so that you can get introduced to others). Also, just a tip: The more groups you join, the more access you will have to people (without using the "inMail" feature! It's a great way to expand your network! (Once you do a people or company search, you can mouse over the options to the right of each common group member's name, and write to them directly. In addition, the length of such messages is more liberal than inMails!

For more tips on how to maximize Linkedin, either click on the "About" in the bottom navifgation links, and then click on the "Learning Center" on the right-hand margin of the page.

3 Digital Marketing Job Sites: Courtesy of Todd Herschberg

SEO/SEM positions - Searchable job listings for the group As there seem to be a significant number of group members who are seeking new jobs as a result of the economy, and Todd Herschberg has set up a job listing board. Todd is the 37th most connected person on LinkedIn Twitter: @Herschberg -

You can find the board here:

Hope this helps!

Marissa Marsala
Founder, Employer & Candidate Connection (Job Seeker Consultancy and Search Firm)
Founder/Manager, Employer & Candidate Connection Linkedin Pro Bono Group

Monday, January 11, 2010

Notice to Job Seekers: Tip on a Best-Kept Linkedin Secret

For those of you who have been beating the bushes and are discouraged because you are seeing the same jobs everywhere you look, if you have not already done so, sign up for as many groups as possible (you can now join 50). This may be one of the most critical uses of your time and if done diligently, will be key in your job search efforts. BENEFITS OF JOINING GROUPS:

1) Uncover hidden jobs: Employers and search firms post their jobs free on Linkedin groups. The competition is lower as many jobs are not widely advertised elsewhere (or at all). This is especially true of contingency search firms who operate on 100% commission and are trying to keep their costs down. Linkedin or other social networking sites are often the only way to spread the word about open jobs.

2) Access to many more Linkedin Members: When you join a group, you have the option of de-selecting a box that allows other group members to contact you. Most of those who join groups do not UNclick the box. This has a two-fold benefit:

a) When you do a search by people or company, you can freely send in mails to other group members who have not UNclicked the box. These in mail messages also allow you to write slightly longer messages (as opposed to "Get introduced to others"). In addition, if memory serves, you can only get introduced to up to five new connections at a time.

b) Those in your group show up as 1st degree connections. This may be a flaw on the Linkedin system, but if so, it provides an advantage.

c) It is easier to connect to those already in your group. Carefully do so by referencing that you share a group. Be mindful that it is better to do this after you have shared something in common such as attending a group function or commenting on the same discussion. BEAR IN MIND THAT LINKEDIN ONLY ALLOWS 5 "Don't Knows" BEFORE THEY SANCTION MEMBERS.

d) The more members you are connected with (in your Connections Tally), the more searches you will turn up in. When employers and search firms do searches, in addition to searching on keywords (those in your headline, in particular), since Linkedin only returns 300 searches at a time (unless those searching have a premium membership for which they pay $600), the more people you are connected to,

3) Some groups offer networking groups (phone or local face-to-face meetings) that may prove to be useful in your job search. At a minimum, you can connect with others who are in transition and make valuable friendships.

4) You can start a discussion and establish visibility and credibility as a subject matter expert.

5) Free Advertising: You can also start a discussion to promote yourself and spotlight some of your key skills. (This can be used IN ADDITION TO your own status update bubble on your profile--another free commercial)

6) If you see a discussion about a job opening, you can reply privately to the employer/search firm that posted it. Even if the job is not ideal, you can leverage the opportunity to introduce yourself for future opportunities. Again - more exposure.

TO JOIN A GROUP: Click on "Groups," then "Join Groups," then type in relevant keywords to find groups that are geared toward the career you are in, the career that you are hoping to be in or other groups that will provide you with the right networking ideas and/or people. Good luck!